SOLO-Prophylaxe - a new era of dentistry

The professional's reference book on SOLO prophylaxis
2nd edition (completely revised and extended) including the new major chapter:
"Why brushing 3 times daily is too much and yet not enough ..."

buchcover_webPeople have always suffered from caries and periodontopathies. Our "modern" dental care has not changed that. According to the "Statistical Year book of the Federal German association of public insurance dentists (Statistisches Jahrbuch der KZBV [Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung] ) in 2010, more than 56 fillings were made, more than 13 million teeth extracted and more than 7 million teeth received root treatment in Germany.

The authors use well-founded and logical arguments to expose the risks and drawbacks of conventional toothbrushing, and reveal today's professional tooth-cleanings for what they are: at once ineffective and damaging.
With this as their foundation, they present a concept for keeping teeth and gums healthy over the course of a lifetime — SOLO prophylaxis. It works so excellently because the patient is involved in its application. SOLO prophylaxis makes true dental health very easy.

This concept is a milestone in the history of dentistry. It will become established as a medical standard thanks to its effectiveness and impact the entire field of dentistry.
The first part explains the basics of SOLO prophylaxis. The practical procedure including all tools, techniques and methods is described in part 2. The third part not only describes the benefits of SOLO prophylaxis but also the economic opportunities offered by a change from current reparative dentistry to preventive dentistry.
SOLO prophylaxis represents a new era of dentistry.

Excerpts from the review of the 1st edition by Mr. Prof. H. J. Staehle, Heidelberg (translated):

  • The subject matter of this book is of a great deal of importance.
  • The reader is struck by the authors' extraordinary dedication.
  • This book can be recommended as critical reading for any dental practice team for a long time to come.